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73% Compliance Teams Face Pressure From Board Scrutiny & Regulators

Global HCP Engagement Solution

qordata Inc. empowers organizations to foster meaningful and transparent relationships with HCPs while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. 

Our solution comes with white-glove services, enabling compliance teams to optimize their HCP engagement process, minimize compliance risks, and gain data analytics.


Global HCP Engagement Solution

7 Steps To Ensure Compliant HCP Engagements

7 Steps To Ensure Compliant HCP Engagements​

Step 1: Needs Assessment Plan

Step 2: Streamline the HCP Engagement Process

Step 3: HCP Selection and Background Checks

Step 4: Fair Market Value Assessments

Step 5: Effectively Manage HCP Contracts

Step 6: Ensure Accurate & Timely Payments

Step 7: Document Proof of Performance

Step 1

Needs Assessment Plan

Step 2

Streamline the HCP Engagement Process

Step 3

HCP Selection and Background Checks

Step 4

Fair Market Value Assessments

Step 5

Effectively Manage HCP Contracts

Step 6

Ensure Accurate & Timely Payments 

Step 7

Document Proof of Performance 

Our Solution Offers:

Our solution offers

73% Compliance Officers Face Rising Pressure From Board Scrutiny and Regulators

One of the primary challenges in engaging Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) revolves around ensuring compliance with the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS), necessitating proactive monitoring to prohibit any offer, payment, solicitation, or receipt of remuneration that could influence referrals for items or services reimbursable by Federal healthcare programs. This entails implementing strict measures to prevent inducements and establishing transparent criteria for selecting HCPs to mitigate compliance risks.

Accurately determining fair market value (FMV) for HCP engagements, particularly in speaker programs, is crucial to avoid both overpayment and underpayment, alongside maintaining clear documentation of intent behind engagements. Challenges also arise in identifying debarred HCPs due to data inconsistencies and limited search options, necessitating streamlined processes and enhanced data management systems.

Moreover, ensuring that program venues are conducive to educational presentations is essential, avoiding locations that may raise concerns about the intent behind the event. Additionally, establishing transparent and objective criteria for selecting HCPs for various engagements, such as speaker programs, is imperative to prevent favoritism and uphold ethical standards.

Preventing undue influence from sales or marketing units in HCP selection is another challenge, requiring comprehensive approaches to prioritize educational merit over revenue-driven decisions. Accurate documentation of proof of performance, including changes in planned HCP activities, further supports compliance efforts.

Conventional Vs. Modern HCP Engagement Program

Conventional Modern
Defining clear and measurable business needs is challenging, leading to potential non-compliance. Global HCP Engagement Solution facilitates collaborative annual needs assessments for compliance, marketing, medical affairs and other teams.
Manual analysis and debarment screening of HCPs from multiple databases are complex, time-consuming, and error prone. Automate the engagement process, including debarment screening from multiple databases such as FSMB, OIG, SAM, and FDA databases.
Determining FMV rates for HCPs is subjective, varying across specialties and locations. Utilize data to assess specialties and credentials to objectively establish FMV rates for HCPs, ensuring consistency and compliance.
Managing multiple engagements and revisions with the same or different HCPs can be cumbersome and prone to errors, lacking proof of HCP performance. Manage HCP Engagements in a single source with comprehensive visibility to monitor key areas such as proof of performance, and compliance with internal policies.
Documentation is in multiple places, with limited analytical capabilities, restricting the tracking of changes and comprehensive visibility to assure adherence to the process. Streamline HCP engagements, centralize documentation, and track changes. Get complete analytical visibility to ensure the process is effective and efficient.